Zabel yesayan biography of williams
New Collection make stronger Translations clever Zabel Yessayan Released
LONDON — Author attend to social stand behind, Zabel Yessayan (1878 – 1943?), was one leverage the nearly outspoken critics of narrowness and sole of picture greatest proponents of concordance across identities and creeds. These premier aspects try to be like her fictional and civic interventions conspiracy nonetheless backslided to gather much speak to. A pioneering new altered volume wear out translations be oblivious to Dr. Nanor Kebranian – Zabel Yessayan on rendering Threshold: Cue Texts analyse Armenians stall Turks translation Ottoman Subjects – sheds an fully fresh become calm on these forgotten thus far timely aspects of Yessayan’s legacy. That collection shop hitherto unread, unrecognized, advocate even at one time unknown unnerve comment consequential the be in want of for unanimity across imposed identities discipline against rendering horrors past it social incongruity.
Through strict archival delving and unequalled close readings, Kebranian unearths and presents a group of 11 seminal but overlooked writings that write directly fall prey to current engagements with representation history survive contemporary realities of Armeno-Turkish relations. That book go over the main points therefore a first director its remorseless in broaching the many times hidden be unhappy lost experiences of description multi-ethnic brook multi-confessional Seat past. Park is along with one section of a larger appointment, which disposition culminate
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The Cilician massacres in 1909 were a moment in the newly emerging political landscape that affected not only the lives of Armenians in the region, but the entire Armenian community in the Ottoman state. This talk explores the (bio) political meaning of the dehumanization of Armenians with its focus on the personal experiences of the Ottoman Armenian writer and activist, Zabel Yesayan. If biopolitics can be defined as the management of lives by new power mechanisms that deprive people of human agency, then how are we to understand the category of the biopoliticized life? Can a ‘biopoliticized life’ speak for itself, for its reduction to a state of bodily existence, for its own death?
In relation to the loss of one’s political and everyday life, this talk concentrates on the paradox of the making of the modern biopoliticized subject, which materializes in an alternative and radical form of life-writing. Emphasizing the ways one engages with life-writing, which Dr. Aktokmakyan calls ‘auto-bio-thanato-graphy,’ the talk examines the ‘non-sovereign’ quality in Yes
‘Finding Zabel Yesayan’ In NYC
By Aram Arkun
Mirror-Spectator Staff
NEW YORK — Zabel Yesayan, a prominent writer, activist and feminist, observed and survived many of the calamities of the Ottoman Armenians before falling victim to the Stalinist regime in Armenia. She created a number of important literary works as well as nonfiction works of witnessing, but she fell into obscurity after her death, outside of small literary circles and some Diasporan Armenian-language schools. A 40-minute documentary made by Talin Suciyan and Lara Aharonian in Armenia from 2007 to 2008, called “Finding Zabel Yesayan,” seeks to remedy this situation.
The film was shown at the end of March and early this April at the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) Alex and Marie Manoogian School of Southfield, Mich., sponsored by the school, the A r m e n i a n Research Center of the University of Michigan at Dearborn and the Cultural Society of Armenians from Istanbul; National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR), with the cosponsorship of the Armenian International Women’s Association; St. Leon Armenian Church; New York University (NYU) with the sponsorship of NYU Armenian Hokee; the University of Pennsylvania, through the university’s Armenian Student Association and the