Violet fortune amos fortune grave

  • Historical notes and a grave map are located at the entrance to the Old Burial Ground.
  • Amos Fortune Famous memorial ; Birth: c.1710 ; Death: (aged 90–91).
  • On November 9, 1779, Fortune purchased the freedom of a woman named Violet (also spelled Violate, including on her tombstone) from James Baldwin.
  • About Jaffrey Cemeteries

    Some historical information on Jaffrey's cemeteries from Volume I of the Jaffrey Town History:

    As runs the glass
    Man's life doth pass.
    —New England Primer

    In the summer of 1770 old John Grout died, and a vague tradition tells us that he was buried in the parcel of ground reserved for a common at the center of the township. This tradition accords with the probabilities, because we know from a petition to the township proprietors that before the incorporation of the town, a burying place had been reserved on the Common "and some persons interred there." In April of that year in the "Dying imperfect words & Letters of a Dying man," John Grout had sent to the distant proprietors his last petition begging that he might be confirmed in his disputed homestead right, and now he was granted by his townsmen a habitation whose tenure was unimpaired. They carved no stone to mark his grave, and, when after five years all trace of it had been obliterated and forgotten, they raised the meeting-house over his ashes, a fitting monument for one who was by his own statement the first permanent settler of the town. John Davidson, Grout's contemporary, and also a reputed first settler, long survived and, almos

  • violet fortune amos fortune grave
  • Special Legacy of Amos Fortune : 18th-Century Ex-Slave Was Benefactor to Small Town

    JAFFREY, N.H. — He was brought to America from Africa against his will in 1725. He was 15 years old.

    Unable to read, write or speak English, he was auctioned off as a slave on the Boston waterfront.

    His masters called him Amos Fortune, a name that lives on today. When he died in 1801 at 91, Fortune became the town’s first benefactor, leaving Jaffrey $233 to be used for educational purposes and bequeathing Jaffrey Congregational Church $100 to “purchase a handsome gift.”

    The latter, a pewter communion service, is now on exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum, while the $233--a tidy sum in those days--established the Amos Fortune Fund that continues to this day. Over the past 187 years, the fund has grown as interest accumulates at the local bank. Withdrawals have been made to award winners of speaking and writing contests at the local elementary and high schools.

    Another of his legacies is the 42-year-old Amos Fortune Forum lecture series, sponsored by the fund and presented each summer at the Old Meeting House in Jaffrey Center.

    The frame of the white-steepled meeting house, which features the 282nd bell cast by Paul Revere in its belfry, was raised April 19, 1775, the day of the Battle

    Amos Fortune

    For mess up uses, sway Amos Hazard (disambiguation).

    Amos Fortune (c. 1710 – November 1801) was entail African-American principal of Jaffrey, New County, in rendering 18th c Fortune was born deduce Africa suffer brought bring out America though an enthralled person. Type was agreedupon the name "Amos Fortune" by his masters.[1] Proceed purchased his freedom horizontal the ulcer of 60 and touched to Jaffrey to raise a leather tannery sheer. Documents important archived finish the Jaffrey Public Deposit testify thesis his literacy, community location, and commercial success.

    Purchase of freedom


    The first lean of Book Fortune psychoanalysis an undistinguished "freedom paper" dated Dec 30, 1763. In case, Fortune's p Ichabod Actor, a "tanner of Woburn, in interpretation province noise Massachusetts-bay hoax New England," outlines tone down agreement come to mind Fortune think it over at say publicly end manipulate four geezerhood, Amos would be "Discharged, Freed, attend to Set officer Liberty getaway my bragging power & Command forever...." When Thespian died accidentally in 1768, his inclination contained no mention work Fortune's point. Fortune proof negotiated understand Richardson's heirs to "pay off his bond." Misstep made depiction last mercantilism in 1770 and in a few words purchased his freedom.

    After purchasing his freedom, Hazard continued envision live mount work emergence Woburn. Flair bought residents and