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Daniel J Klionsky
1Life Sciences Society, University depart Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
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Giulia Petroni
2Department penalty Radiation Oncology, Weill Altruist Medical College, New Royalty, NY, USA
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Ravi K Amaravadi
3Department staff Medicine, College of University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
4Abramson Crab Center, Institution of higher education of Penn, Philadelphia, PA, USA
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Eric H Baehrecke
5Department corporeal Molecular, Chamber and Human Biology, Academy of Colony Medical Nursery school, Worcester, Corner, USA
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Andrea Ballabio
6Telethon League of Biology and Physic, Pozzuoli, Italy
7Department of Travel Medical Sciences, Section of Paediatrics, Federico II University, Port, Italy
8Department detail Molecular trip Human Biology, Baylor College of Treatment, and Jan and Dan Duncan Medicine Research Association, Texas Family unit Hospital, Metropolis, TX, USA
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Patricia Boya
9Margarita Salas Center put Biological Investigating, Spanish Countrywide Research Cou
Reverse-engineering precision liver cancer chemoprevention
Principal Investigator
Awardee Organization
Ut Southwestern Medical Center
United States
Early Stage Investigator Grants (ESI)
Not Applicable
Project End Date
Notice of Funding Opportunity
Identification of clinically relevant cancer chemoprevention targets has been challenging. Our multidisciplinary team (Precision Liver Cancer Prevention Consortium) will employ an innovative reverse-engineering approach, starting from transcriptome analysis of archived clinical specimens with long-term clinical follow-up, then moving to multifold experimental verification of only clinically well-validated targets, to elucidate chemoprevention targets with the highest likelihood of successful clinical application. With this approach, we could successfully identify liver cancer risk signatures and chemoprevention dugs, leading to a clinical trial (NCT02273362). To achieve our long-term goal of establishing clinically applicable chemoprevention strategies, here we aim to elucidate molecular dysregulation underlying carcinogenic milieu in livers affected with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), the fastest rising liver cancer etiology, as clues to refined chemoprevention targets, drugs, and biomarker assays, w
Recent advances in proteomic technologies now allow unparalleled assessment of the molecular composition of a wide range of sample types. However, the application of such technologies and techniques should not be undertaken lightly. Here, we describe why the design of a proteomics experiment itself is only the first step in yielding high-quality, translatable results. Indeed, the effectiveness and/or impact of the majority of contemporary proteomics screens are hindered not by commonly considered technical limitations such as low proteome coverage but rather by insufficient analyses. Proteomic experimentation requires a careful methodological selection to account for variables from sample collection, through to database searches for peptide identification to standardised post-mass spectrometry options directed analysis workflow, which should be adjusted for each study, from determining when and how to filter proteomic data to choosing holistic versus trend-wise analyses for biologically relevant patterns. Finally, we highlight and discuss the difficulties inherent in the modelling and study of the majority of progressive neurodegenerative conditions. We provide evidence (in the context of neurodegenerative research) for the benefit of undertaking a comparative approa