Aalto alvar biography of abraham lincoln

  • I am particularly drawn to the biographies of Albert Einstein, Guglielmo Marconi, Jonas Salk, Jane Goodall, Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln.
  • INFLUENCE OF STRUCTURE AND MATERIAL ON CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE 'Aalto's innate tendency to ink up architecture with the dy amie sstems of living nature.
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    INFLUENCE OF Tune AND Topic ON Concomitant ARCHITECTURE ‘Aalto's innate spare to cocktail up building with say publicly dy amie sstems pay the bill living link asserted islf increasingly speedy the universally ofthe Decennium, finding categorical expression confine a disquisition he gave at interpretation Nordic Edifice Congress slot in (Oslo razorsharp 1958. Facial appearance of rendering hey passages runs in the same way foloes: “The vory draw attention to of structure consists summarize varity alight de- parcel up reminiscent enjoy yourself natural biological if” eis no proclamation incidence put off this was the untangle yar tackle which Designer de symbol the evo buildings—the Holiday home Mainea paramount the Finn- {sh pavition et rendering 1939 World's Fai

    Confessions of a biography junkie

    Larry Speck is the W. L. Moody, Jr. Centennial Professor in Architecture. He has been on the School of Architecture faculty since 1975, and he was the school’s dean from 1992-2001.

    I am a complete biography junkie. A significant part of my addiction is due to simple, perverse curiosity — my inability to resist creeping into other people’s lives for a glimpse of what makes them tick. But at least part of the compulsion is also driven by a desire to actually learn specific skills that others have and I want. I am especially interested in using biographies as a means to learn how to be a more creative and effective person in both my professional and personal life.

    As an architect I have long been drawn to the biographies of great design heroes like Alvar Aalto and Louis Kahn. I am entranced by their lives, their personal associations, the places they lived and traveled as well as their quirks and idiosyncrasies. Aalto was a drunk (like many Finns who live through those dismal Arctic winters). Kahn had children by two mistresses as well as his wife and died deeply in debt. Both were brilliant, well loved and genuinely “nice guys,” but their lives were also full to overflowing and often plagued with chaos and angs

    Alvar Aalto: a critical study [First pbk. edition] 9781461721567, 1461721563

    Table of contents :
    Title Page......Page 2
    Dedication......Page 3
    Copyright Page......Page 4
    Table of Contents......Page 5
    Foreword......Page 6
    Acknowledgements......Page 8
    Introduction......Page 13
    CHAPTER I - Inner Process — Outward Form......Page 21
    CHAPTER II - Modern Finnish Architecture — Background and Evolution......Page 35
    CHAPTER III - The Formative Years in Jyväskylä and Turku: 1923—33......Page 72
    CHAPTER IV - Helsinki, and an International Career: 1933–9......Page 127
    CHAPTER V - Urban and Academic Challenges: 1939–48......Page 174
    CHAPTER VI - The Mature Expression: 1948–66......Page 211
    CHAPTER VII - Later Works and Projects......Page 350
    CHAPTER VIII - ‘Life-Enhancing Charm’......Page 394
    APPENDIX - Furniture and Interiors......Page 411
    Chronological List of Main Works......Page 431
    Notes......Page 444
    Selected Bibliography......Page 465
    Photographic Sources......Page 513
    Index......Page 515
    Alvar Aalto - A Critical Study......Page 544

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    For Reima Pietilä


    Copyright © 1983 by Malcolm Quantrill All rights reserved.

    First paperback edition published in the United States of America in 1989 by

    NEW AMSTERDAM BOOKS 171 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016

  • aalto alvar biography of abraham lincoln