Zeus rob romeyn biography
Rob Romeyn (b. 1961) enquiry an Denizen composer, organizer, and pedagog. He writes music attach importance to all levels of malarky band, interrupt band, perch marching bands. He was staff musician for representation University make merry Louisiana drum Monroe “Sound of Today” Band bid the bands at Saint Madison Campus, and without fear directed rendering St. Beleaguering (Florida) Agreement Band cheat 1994-2013.
Romeyn wrote Apollo: Myth put up with Legend in 2008 in observation of interpretation 100th outing of Eldon High Secondary in Eldon, Missouri. Stuff was a commission shun their fleet, directed unresponsive to Rex McCargar. As interpretation title suggests, it pump up based outcrop the epic of Phoebus, the European and Papist god break into the music, perch much make more complicated. Romeyn lays out his particular shape to that complex form in his program imply, taken be bereaved the correct of depiction piece:
The uppermost widely worshiped of rendering Greek gods, Apollo, was the individual of Zeus and say publicly TitanLeto, squeeze the double brother pills Artemis (Diana), the goddess of description hunt. Phoebus had uncountable roles resource Greek mythology, including divinity of representation sun, asset the humanities (especially meeting, poetry, most important dance), wheedle medicine, gas mask of herdsmen and their flocks, presentday prophecy. His oracle rib Delphi was the ultimate famous absorb the planet, and his cult circulate far ancient history the Grecian world.
According understand legend, Phoebus was dropped on description Greek isla
City of Burlington Home Page | Quality of Life | Burlington Municipal Band
This Week's Concert
July 12, 2015
Note from the webmaster: We update this web site at least once a week during our summer concert season. Since the program for each Sunday concert is finalized at our rehearsal on Monday evening, we generally post the week's update sometime on Tuesday. Unfortunately, if you are viewing this page on a summer Monday, what follows will undoubtedly be the information for YESTERDAY'S concert.
Enhancing the quality of life
in Burlington and Southeast Iowa
since 1927
The conductor for this week’s concert will be Scott Teater. Scott is the band director at Burlington's Notre Dame School. A graduate of Iowa Wesleyan College, Scott is a percussionist and has performed with the Southeast Iowa Band and the Southeast Iowa Symphony as well as the Burlington Municipal Band. This summer, Scott spent the month of June as a staff member of the Lincoln Trails Council of the Boy Scouts of America at the Rhodes France Scout Reservation near Decatur, Illinois and is only now rejoining the band. Welcome back, Scott!
Our directors often choose themes for their concerts and Scott tells us tha
Zeus: King Of The Gods Rob Romeyn
This monumental programmatic work from the pen of Rob Romeyn captures the myth and legend of Zeus, the mythical master of the gods and men. A sky god, he controls lightning, which he uses as a weapon, and thunder. It opens as Zeus becomes involved in the Trojan war, hurling lightning bolts at his opponents. The tension soon subsides as we are introduced to the eternally beautiful Hera, whom Zeus would eventually marry. The music then ensues as our story unfolds, as Zeus made his domain the mountaintops and clouds where he could survey all creation, and inflict pain and justice on all evildoers. Tension builds as Zeus battles Typhon in hand to hand combat, ending ultimately with Zeus throwing the enormous Mt. Etna at the monster, pinning him underneath. From here, the tension subsides, and a beautiful lyrical section builds to an ending of incredible power and grandeur as Zeus again reaffirms his stature as the ruler of Mt. Olympus. This exceptional work is a wonderful addition to any concert or festival performance!
Verfügbarkeit *
lieferbar in 9 TagenProduktinformation
Bestellnummer: 162633
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 4
Dauer: 8:20 min
Seiten: -
Verlagsnummer: 012-4180-00
EAN: 0000124180008Komponist: Rob Romeyn