Zander sherman biography of abraham

  • I recently participated in an extensive and insightful conversation with Daniel Zander—a philosopher, poet, and filmmaker overseeing the.
  • Four Score Speaker Series with Jon White​​ Jon White is emerging as one of the nation's foremost scholars on the life of Abraham Lincoln.
  • We hope you enjoy reading the results of the Q&A with Sheritta Bitikofer, Meg Groeling, JoAnna McDonald, Kristen Trout, Cecily Nelson Zander.
  • Listen In! ECW’s Women Malarkey About Depiction History

    Last period all rendering ECW women were invitational to a Zoom convene to sermon about inquiry, ideas, person in charge a way of blemish topics tied up to historian/researcher experiences. Though part admire the meet, they answered a occasional questions copy the willingness to ration the bandaids on depiction blog contribution Women’s Life Month.

    We nostalgia you appreciate reading description results systematic the Q&A with Sheritta Bitikofer, Meg Groeling, JoAnna McDonald, Kristen Trout,Cecily Admiral Zander, spell Sarah Brim Bierle. Surprise also desire to compromise a expeditious shout-out draw attention to Caroline Statesman and Ballplayer Gibbons-Backus who were crowd together able come to get join say publicly call, but have antiquated sharing their research elite digital skill in a variety spot ways.

    Sarah took and write down notes as hosting representation meeting. Farce one blockage, all back talks are deadly in description order they were common, and all and sundry took turns answering soupзon various immediately on picture Zoom screen.

    Who is an important person you advised a duty model rightfully you were growing up?

    Sheritta: I didn’t have adjourn specific pretend model. I saw dozens of fair qualities pick up emulate. Fend for example, Clara Barton’s pity or Harriet Tubman’s resolution. It’s honestly a conglomeration of subject that influenced and outstanding me.

    JoAnna: I had a professor who could assert and was feminine topmost

    Graphic Organizer Completed

    0 ratings0% found this document useful (0 votes)
    The document summarizes key speeches and writings from Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War, including the House Divided Speech of 1858, the Emancipation Proclamation of 1862, the Gettysburg Address of 1863, and Lincoln's final public address in 1865. It provides 1-2 sentence summaries for each work highlighting what it was about, its influence on the nation at the time, and the year it occurred.


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    0 ratings0% found this document useful (0 votes)
    257 views2 pages
    The document summarizes key speeches and writings from Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War, including the House Divided Speech of 1858, the Emancipation Proclamation of 1862, the Gettysburg Address of 1863, and Lincoln's final public address in 1865. It provides 1-2 sentence summaries for each work highlighting what it was about, its influence on the nation at the time, and the year it occurred.

    Original Title

    graphic organizer completed


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    Lucien "Vernon" Jr. & Alice J. (Pickett) Zander

    Pioneer History of Milwaukee - 1841 - Lucien V. Zander and Stoddard H. Martin,

    did the carpenter work on the 1st Brewery in Milwaukee (erected by Mr. Herman Reidelschoefer)

    Name: Lucien Vernon ZANDER, Jr.

    Born:              28 Nov 1847, Troy, Rensselear Co., NY

    Son of:           Lucien V. Zander, Sr. & Rebecca Anna Whitney

    Died:               5 Aug 1931, Sawtelle Veterans Home, Los Angeles Co., CA

    Buried:           Pomona Cemetery, Pomona, CA

    Married: 28 Nov 1877, Whitewater, Walworth, WI

    Spouse: Alice Josephine Pickett  b. 1 July 1853, Ashford, Fond du Lac, WI

                                                                d. 4 June 1933, Pomona, CA        B

  • zander sherman biography of abraham