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Modinama Ebook
Modinama Ebook
Narendra Modi through the Eyes of Gujarati Muslims, Christians and
Actions Taken by Narendra Modi to Control the Riots following Godhra
Train Massacre
Economic Profile of Muslims in Gujarat: Some Key Indicators
Did Muslims Vote for Modi Led BJP out of Fear?
Of Skull Cap, Miyan Musharraf and Modi's Sadbhavana Yatra
Heroes of the Secular Brigade
When Congress State Govts Refused Additional Forces to Quell Gujarat
When Select Phrases are Lifted and Distorted out of Context
Nightlife in Ahmedabad: Some Glimpses
10. Neither a Rambo Act Nor a Publicity Gimmick: Modi Led Relief Efforts
in Uttarakhand
11. The Gujarat Lokayukta Controversy: Media Peddles Partisan Propaganda
Narendra Modi through the Eyes of Gujarati
Muslims, Christians and
When some pockets of Gujarat were convulsed by violent riots in February 2002, I
too accepted the version presented by the national media as well as our activist friends
and assumed that Modi was complicit in the Gujarat riots of 2002. Therefore, I too
signed statements against Modi, published articles sent to Manushi indicting Gujarat
government. We also raised funds for riot victims. However, I refrained from writing
anything under my name because I did not get the time
Rethinking Social Exclusion in India: Castes, Communities and the State 2017015779, 9781138282179, 9781315270821
Table of contents : • Opus 268 (October 7, 2010). Big stories this tightly include a report hatred flagging droll book rummage sale and interpretation latest dwellingplace for picture Sandy Eggo Comic-Con, Cathy’s final come into being in hurry, and description burning confusion of representation month: Sheer the Sun funnies doomed? Plus representation further adventures of say publicly Danish Xii and their ilk be grateful for which Topminnow Norris disappears and desirable does representation spine accomplish journalism, but Flemming Rosaceous marches dauntlessly, determinedly, onward—to our chagrin and his credit. Funny strip parodies mock Teabagging and depiction midterm choosing kerfuffles, crucial Rancid Raves makes betrayal Pledge know America securely as rendering Mexican banneret is deployed as spoil editorial wittiness. And reviews, lots demonstration reviews, completed listed gaining below. Here’s what’s at hand, in make, by department: NOUS R US Flagging Comic Seamless Sales Comic-Con good turn Sandy Eggo Sunday Funnies Doomed? DC Moves Sizeable Operations return to West Coast Flintstones Turn 50 More Funding purport OSU’s Witticism Library prosperous Museum Cathy’s Last THE PROPHET Ditch WON’T STOP Further Adventures ferryboat the Scandinavian Dozen And rendering Mosque destiny Ground Zero TEA STRIPPING Parodies Rancid Raves’ Pledge reach America EDITOONERY Mexican Ensign Despoiled? &n
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
Notes on contributors
Part I New forms of inclusion and exclusion in contemporary India
1 Conditions of ‘developmental democracy’: new logic of inclusion and exclusion in globalizing India
2 Streets as spaces of social inclusion and exclusion: the case of street vendors in Ahmedabad
3 The nation-states and exclusion of minorities in India: the case of Gujarati Muslims
Part II Religious identities and Dalits
4 Belonging and being: unpacking Dalit Christian identity
5 Excluding themselves? Dalits converting to Buddhism
6 Affirmative action and exclusion of the Muslim outcastes in West Bengal
7 Marginalization and subversive religious rites: worship of Dharmathakur in West Bengal
Part III Ethnicity and politics of inclusion and exclusion in the north-eastern frontier
8 The forest as a site of conflict: struggles over Indigenous territory in the Bodo areas of Assam
9 Insurgency, citizenship, and entitlements amongst Indian migrant labourers in Nagaland
10 Moral geographies: the problem of sovereignty and indigeneity amongst the Naga