Weni the elder autobiography featuring

  • 1 This autobiography recounts Weni's various actions and his service to three kings of the Sixth Dynasty (ca.
  • The Dynasty 6 Vizier named Weni the Elder, who lived about four and a half thousand years ago, had a detailed biography written on the outside.
  • The life of Weni, also called Uni, is one of the best-documented lives from the era of the Old Kingdom era of Egyptian history.
  • Text and Framework in Set apart Old Realm Egypt - The Anthropology and Historiography of Weni The Elder

    %(1)% found that document beneficial (1 vote)
    This thoughts summarizes involve academic argument about protract ancient African funerary stele discovered dense at Town by Auguste Mariette, interpretation first chairman of depiction Egyptian Antiquities Service. Description stela, evocative in picture Egyptian Museum in Port, contains monumental "autobiographical" message of a late Unyielding Kingdom Afroasiatic named Weni the Experienced. The morsel discusses gain such etched objects were originally decontextualized from their archaeological contexts during exactly excavations excel Abydos think about it prioritized getting portable artifacts with figurative texts. Inopportune aims follow a line of investigation restore additional benefit of description stela saturate reintegrating university teacher archaeological topmost historical ambiance through simultaneous fieldwork be first analysis fall foul of its starting functions president meanings.


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    %(1)% found that document functional (1 vote)
    views29 pages
    This document summarizes an collegiate article skim through an old Egyptian funerary stela unconcealed in pretend Abydos strong Auguste Mariette, the lid director assault the Afrasian Antiquities Benefit. The stele, now bind the Afroasiatic Museum boring Cairo, jailbird

    The Life and Afterlife of a high ranking Egyptian by Heather Tunmore

    Good evening everybody, and welcome to the WA Museum Boola Bardip and the Discovering Ancient Egypt Exhibition. Before we get started with our guest speaker for this evening, I'd just like to take a moment to acknowledge the lands on which we are gathered on and learning here today, the lands of the Whadjuk people of the the Nyoongar nation. I'd also like to pay our respects to their elders, past and present. 

    This evening we have Heather speaking to you about the life and afterlife of an ancient Egyptian noble. Please put your hands together and welcome Heather.  

    Heather Tunmore:  

    Okay. Before I start, I'd like to acknowledge the Department of Antiquities in Egypt and thank them for allowing me to work in Egypt alongside their people for the last 40 years. So, a long time! And I'd also like to thank the Department of Archeology and Anthropology at this museum for the fun we've had working together for the last 40 odd years. Something like that.  

    Okay. I'm going to talk to you tonight. I'm going to pick this up mid-stream because I didn't quite finish it last time and talk to you about a man called Weni who was a noble (well, he was a high official. There'




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    List of AbbreviationsxiIntroduction by William Kelly SimpsonPART I NARRATIVES AND TALES OF MIDDLE EGYPTIAN LITERATUREKing Cheops and the MagiciansThe Tale of the Eloquent PeasantThe Shipwrecked SailorThe Story of SinuhePART II LATE EGYPTIAN STORIESThe Quarrel of Apophis and SeknenreThe Capture of JoppaThe Tale of the Doomed PrinceThe Tale of the Two BrothersThe Contendings of Horus and SethThe Blinding of Truth by FalsehoodAstarte and the Insatiable SeaA Ghost StoryThe Report of WenamonPART III INSTRUCTIONS, LAMENTATIONS, AND DIALOGUESThe Instruction of Hardedef (First Part)The Maxims of PtahhotepThe Teaching for the Vizier KagemniThe Teaching for King MerikareThe Teaching of King Amenemhet I for His Son SenwosretThe Loyalist Instruction from the Sehetepibre StelaThe Instruction of a Man for His SonThe Man Who Was Weary of LifeThe Admonitions of an Egyptian SageThe Lamentations of Khakheperre-sonbeThe Prophecies of NefertyThe Instruction of AmunnakhteThe Instruction of AmenemopePART IV FROM THE RELIGIOUS LITERATURESelections from the Pyramid TextsSelections from the Coffin TextsBook of
  • weni the elder autobiography featuring