Vaghissima sembianza pavarotti biography
alla ricerca di UNA canzone perduta
Fully fifty years ago in 1971, another musical fanatic like myself gave me a cassette (REMEMBER THOSE?) of some rare opera arias. At the end there was a fragment of a little song -- with no notes on what it was, who wrote it or anything. (He was a vegan food nut who left for Virginia Beach to study at the Edgar Casey Institute-- the toast of the lunatic fringe at the time.) This little song --just a trifle-- stuck in my mind; it was incomplete--the last stanza was only half there, but there was enough to stick in my mind forever. I would sing it at the top of my lungs over the cancelling noise of my lawn tractor as I mowed. (I thought)
My Mistake:
Years later, my neighbor told me she loved to hear me sing as I was mowing the lawn. (My singing, even at best, is no pleasure) I was mortified to realize that I had been serenading the neighborhood.
Since my retirement in 1995, I have devoted myself to differing forms of serving the Muse of Music. But even with my total obsession, I never found the song -- Mia canzone perduta...
There are literally thousands of these little songs written for recitals through the centuries, when people would sing and play instruments as home entertainment. It was c
Books by Andrea Bocelli
Tag Archives: Vaghissima Sembianza
Cidim: la musica di Verdi rende omaggio alla Nave Vespucci ad Alessandria d’Egitto
Con un programma interamente tratto dall’Aida di Giuseppe Verdi, tre giovani artisti italiani, il soprano Fiorenza Mercatali, il tenore Paolo Mascari e il pianista Francesco De Poli, sabato prossimo, 15 febbraio, renderanno omaggio alla nave Amerigo Vespucci, appena approdata nel porto di Alessandria D’Egitto e location d’eccezione di un evento speciale diviso in più momenti culturali, tra i quali è compreso proprio […]
Carlo Zucchelli. La Regione Emilia-Romagna contribuisce alla rievocazione della sua figura nel contesto musicale ottocentesco
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Il Soprano lirico Internazionale Concetta Pepere di scena il 5 gennaio al Tempio della Maddalena a Capranica Prenestina.
Dopo lo straordinario successo del Concerto del 26 dicembre, il tempio della Maddalena a Capranica Prene