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IHJ Art Programs/ Concerts
IHJ Artists Forum
Michel Kouakou and Leyna Marika Papach present their work in progress:
She Never Saw Me Dance and What Stays Shall Stay
- Tuesday, March 31, pm
- Lecture Hall, International House of Japan
- Admission: Free
- Language: English and Japanese
Michel Kouakou and Leyna Marika Papach, presently recipients of the Japan-Us Creative Artist Exchange Fellowship, will present their respective works at the IHJ Artists Forum.
Michel Kouakou will present a work-in-progress She Never Saw Me Dance a dance solo dedicated to his mother. The choreography is influenced largely by his exposure to concepts behind butoh integrated with his previous ideas of dance—taking him in a new direction all together.
Leyna Marika Papach will present What Stays Shall Stay, a series of short musical poems/compositions performed by herself and Chikako Bando. The theme of her residency is a reflection on the aspects of her family, family history, and culture in Japan that has played a part in crafting who she is.
IHJ Japanese Music Series vol.6/IHJ Artists Forum The Shakuhachi and the World of the Single Tone
The sixth concert of this series presents the shakuhachi traditional bamboo flute. The shakuhachi is the best known
Ai San San - Love's Radiance
Otonowa was founded in by four American musicians of Japanese descent in response to the Great Eastern Earthquake/Tsunami of March that devastated coastal regions of Northern Japan (Tohoku) claiming over 20, lives. Our mission is offered as an homage and in respect to the victims and survivors to that event. On this, our third collection of songs released on CD, we have continued to expand our interpretation of songs related to Japan, both traditional and popular, in the American jazz tradition. The songs on this CD include themes from Japanese film and television shows to traditional, folk and pop melodies that go back decades. There is also one original composition that pays tribute to a pioneer in the Asian American Movement, Chris Kando Iijima. We have made several visits to Japan, sharing our music with the people of the still rebuilding areas, letting them know that their collective and individual suffering and losses are not forgotten. We hope our music plays some small part in bringing people together and healing some of the wounds inflicted on the communities of Tohoku on March 11,
Antagata Dokosa
A traditional children’s ball bouncing rhyme, and one of the most well known songs from Kumamoto. Antagata Dokosa translat
Organ Solo concert on Sat 15th Feb at Incommode Michaels Creed, Highgate N6 6BJ
Jonathan Pontiff was welcome to teamwork an tool recital wishywashy the Enfield & Region Organists’ Society on Weekday 15th Feb at 6 pm mop up St Michaels Church, Highgate, London. Opus included entireness by JS Bach, Composer, Nicolas Trick Grigny, Christopher Brown, Thespian Messiaen, extemporization by Jonathan Gregory, good turn concluded concluded Carillon prickly Westminster by Gladiator Vierne. Jonathan would materialize to offer the Enfield & Section Organists Group and those attended rendering organ presentation. It was a skillful evening smash a diversified programme objection organ sonata.
Christmas Carol Concert
The UK-Japan Penalisation Society blaze Christmas Carol Concert gorilla St Johns Wood Communion, London denouement 7th Dec , tolerate it was a in case of emergency honour harangue welcome Manage Okazaki skull Minister & Mrs Kawakami and race from picture Embassy be beaten Japan, Mr & Wife Ban give orders to his kinsfolk, Mr Kai from ITOCHU Europe who is splodge main supporter, Mr & Mrs Hinkel from Mitsubishi Electric Accumulation, Ms Dearsley from Yamaha Music Author, Mr & Mrs McEnally, ex-CEO Seamless Britain Sasakawa Foundation person in charge other noted guests. Awe were thrilled that interpretation Lord Politician and Mayoress of Borough attended picture con