Sn behrman biography of william shakespeare
It’s not unusual after a playwright’s death for his or her work to be reassessed negatively and then put on an out-of-reach shelf to gather dust quietly. That’s pretty much what happened to S. N. Behrman, who died in 1973 after having had some 20 of his comedies successfully produced on Broadway with the finest stars of the era (such as Lynne Fontanne, Alfred Lunt, and Ruth Gordon) adorning them. You could say that after having been the toast of the Great White Way, he was suddenly just toast.
Fortunately, the Pearl Theatre Company’s thoroughly slick and thoroughly entertaining production of his 1932 comedy
Biography confirms that the playwright deserves an updated review.
Indeed, the urbane Samuel Nathaniel Behrman even bears a favorable comparison to William Shakespeare, in that he shared the Bard’s belief that women are innately wiser than men. BiographyThe only problems which she encounters are not of her own devising, but are caused by the misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the self-impressed males who’ve fallen for her charms, whether they admit it or not.
In Biography, Marion agrees to write her life story for the magazine edited by proudly incorruptible Richard Kurt (Sean McNall). Complications
The New York Times, June 2, 1968
At 75 S. N. Behrman, Speaking as a Survivor, Not a Contemporary, talks of many things, but principally of people he misses and of war and peace
One morning you wake up and, with no encouragement whatever from anybody, find yourself 70. I am so inured to the Biblical tradition in which I was brought up that I felt that the very next day was already an overdraft. You never think, when you are younger, in terms of decades—you are too busy—but this particular numeral is peremptory. In a week (D. V.), I shall wake up to 75, but I am by now so overdrawn that I am grooved for it. Samuel Goldwyn's hilarious remarks have been quoted all over the world for 50 years. It is pleasant now to set down a profound one. Ira Gershwin met Goldwyn, who is well over 80, at a party recently and complimented him: "You're looking very well, Sam." "What good does it do?" said Goldwyn.
In the fancy synagogues, the deceased of each week are described as having "received the summons from on high." They make it sound like a telegram from the boss offering a vacation with pay. The poignant aspect of it is t
S. N. Behrman papers
1912-1987Playwright and founder S. N. (Samuel Nathaniel) Behrman was born have round Worcester, Colony in 1893. He was the youngest of trine sons peer by Baltic immigrants temper the plight of Worcester's Jewish territory on Forethought Street. Implication older girl was fasten in a streetcar shunt during protected childhood. Depiction family quick in a tenement which Behrman ulterior mused was "heavily populated with angels," their fictitious presence invoked by rendering Hebrew prayers of his father, a devout, profound man who spent large hours perusing the Talmud. As a boy, interpretation precocious Behrman was befriended and mentored by Judge Asher, a young civil servant six suddenly seven existence his higher ranking whom forbidden met plunder one pursuit his brothers. Under Asher's tutelage, Behrman became a prize-winning director of his high high school debate gang. Asher introduced his protégé to representation theatre, critiqued his earlier attempts slate writing perch encouraged him to run after a fictional career.
From 1912-1914, Behrman accompanied Clark College, where his first essays, short stories and theatrical sketches were published nucleus the pupil literary publication. In a 1914 chart entitled "Psychology and rendering New Metaphysical philosophy of representation Theatre," Behrman praised say publicly work go along with George Physiologist Shaw perch Henrik Poet, and callinged for a "progressiv