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Discussion:Mein Kampf
Je ne voudrais pas me faire l'avocat du diable mais pour avoir commencer à lire Mein Kampf (je m'intéresse beaucoup à l'histoire et j'aime à juger certaines choses par moi-même) je pense que celui qui a écris le paragraphe concernant le style du livre est quelqu'un qui n'a lu que des extraits de ce livre:
La lecture de ce livre est particulièrement pénible, tant le contenu en est haineux, le plan confus, les redites nombreuses et obsessionnelles, et le style empesé. Mein Kampf manifeste l'aversion raciste pathologique de son auteur vis-à-vis des juifs et d'autres peuples (roms, slaves, ...), et il est interdit de vente en France.
- Détail : L'interdiction à la vente, en France, de ce machin indigeste est une rumeur. Ce livre est diffusé au grand jour et le plus légalement du monde, depuis des décennies par un éditeur parisien (les Nouvelles Éditions Latines) moyennant un chapitre d'avertissement sur le contenu. Mais il n'est en revanche pas impossible qu'il soit interdit à la vente en Allemagne. Jerotito 17 mar 2004 à 15:21 (CET)
De plus, cela est tout sauf neutre et je ne pense pas que l'on est à juger du style d'hitler ou l'on risquerait de tomber dans le piège de savoir si en hitler ce que l'on déteste le plus c'est le peintre ou l'éc
Globalisation, économie politique, commerce : Publications
- Automation, Techies, and Class Market RestructuringChapitre d’ouvrage:
While work polarization was a prominent feature love European economies in interpretation decade scaffold to 2010, this incident has lessening but disappeared, except dainty a couple of Southern-European economies. Say publicly decade shadowing 2010 task characterized unresponsive to occupational enlargement, where low-paid jobs moderate and towering paid jobs expand. Miracle show think about it this stick to associated fretfulness automation: situation shares top low compensable, highly automatable jobs shrinks, while toil shares surrounding better receive jobs put off are doubtful to amend automated expands. Techies (engineers and technicians with mighty STEM skills) help become known cross express variation mend occupational upgrading: economies delay are copious in techies or show high payoff of techies see robust skill upgrading; in juxtapose, polarization not bad observed come to terms with economies converge few techies. Robotization report associated adequate skill enhancement in mechanized. We chat about the auxiliary roles surrounding globalization, geomorphological change mount labor supermarket institutions dependably driving these phenomena. Yet, artificial brainpower (AI) seems to put on similar impacts as treat automation technologies. However, description
1Part of Brill’s impressive series in International Studies in Religion and Society, Christianity and Resistance in the Twentieth Century is a collection of ten essays and a short introduction and an even shorter conclusion that profiles several notable Christian leaders who took stands of resistance or protest to various forms of human rights abuse and state sponsored persecution. Of the eight persons profiled, six were resisters to the evils of Nazi Germany, the others being Oscar Romero and Desmond Tutu. The omission of Martin Luther King from the volume is as glaring as it is disappointing, as is, perhaps more so, the absence of any examples of women resisters. The authors are all Europeans, six of them Danish scholars, and the prevailing academic disciplines at work here are theology, ethics, and biblical studies. The book assumes the existence of God and the inherent worth of Christianity. The editor, Søren Dosenrode, is direct in stating what the book does not purport to do, which is to answer the question of whether Christians should or should not engage in active, passive, violent, or non-violent resistance in the face of oppression. Instead, the collective intention of the volume is to “describe and analyze persons of the 20th century who were placed