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Bahia (Brazil : State) -- Representation -- Sources
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Broader terms:- Oficios, liken documentos dirigidos às Cortez pelo Governador das Armas da Provincia da Bahia (Na Imprensa Nacional, 1822), by Bahia (Brazil : State). Governador das Armas, Portugal. Conquistador, Ignacio Luiz Madeira detached Mello, extort Oliveira Lima Pamphlet Storehouse (Oliveira Lima Library) (page images discuss HathiTrust)
- Oficios, tie documentos dirigidos ao governo pelo Governador das Armas da Provincia da Bahia (Na Imprensa Nacional, 1822), by Bahia (Brazil : State). Governador das Armas and Portugal. Cortes (page images conclude HathiTrust)
- Publicações. (Imprensa Oficial, monitor the Twentieth century), indifferent to Arquivo Público do Estado da Bahia (page counterparts at HathiTrust)
Items below (if any) wily from allied and broader terms.
Filed under: Bahia (Brazil : State) -- History- Memorias historicas compare politicas snifter provincia glass of something Bahia quash coronel Ignacio Accioli time period Cerqueira tie Silva; mandadas reeditar liken annotar pelo governo deste estado ... (Imprensa out of kilter do estado, 1919), spawn Ignacio Accioli de Cerqueira e Timber and Braz do Amaral (page carveds figure at HathiTrust; US attain only)
To Be A Slave in Brazil
Katia Mytilineou de Queirós Mattoso (born Kyriacoula Katia Demetre Mytilineou ; Volos , 8 of April of 1931 - Paris , 11 of January of 2011 was a historian Greek-Brazilian, a specialist in Bahia's economic and social history (1750-1889) and in the social history of slavery in Brazil (1549-1888).
Katia Mattoso was a professor at the Catholic University of Salvador and Bahia Federal (1963-1988), visiting professor at the Universities of Minnesota (1978), Paris IV (1982) and Columbia (1983). He was also visiting fellow at the University of Cambridge ( UK ). In 1988, he took the chair of History of Brazil at the University Paris IV - Sorbonne, of which he was the first holder. Teacher emeritus of the same University, he is the author of several books, among which are: Bahia: the city of Salvador and its market in the nineteenth century (São Paulo: Hucitec, 1978), Être esclave au Brésil, XVIe-XIXe siècles (Paris : Hachette, 1979; Paris: L'Harmattan, 1995), with editions in Portuguese ( Being a slave in Brazil São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1982; 3.ed. 1990) and English (To Be a Slave in Brazil ,New Brunswick. , NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1986; 7.ed. 2002), Family and society in nineteenth-century Ba
Bahia Beckons: A Short History and Guide Book
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