Nagai kafu biography of donald

  • Half the book is biography, the other translations of Kafu's work, which has been abundantly translated since this book was published.
  • Born December 3, , in Tokyo, Japan; died of a hemorrhaging stomach ulcer, April 10, , in Ichikawa, Japan; son of Kyuichiro (poet "Kagen," government.
  • Kafu Nagai, an extremely popular writer, refused to publish a single work during the war, but in his diary (later published) he expressed his.
  • So Lovely a Country Will Never Perish: Wartime Diaries of Japanese Writers

    August 8,
    stars (/10). This book is so packed full of information and seeds of more information that, even though it took me several months to go through, I think I will go back to it and re-read it at some point in the not-too-distant future.
    "So Lovely a Country Will Never Perish" was not what I expected it to be. I thought it would contain mainly excerpts of the diaries of Japanese writers, and that as a reader I'd be left to my own devices and given a free reign in drawing my own conclusions based on what the diarists wrote. The excerpts are indeed there, but they are somewhat secondary to the author's commentary, as if he is making a statement and using some quotes from here and there to substantiate it. This is how I felt reading the first half of the book. The overall perspective is made even more intriguing, and complicated, by the fact that the author himself was in an interpreter for the American army in Okinawa. He subsequently became interested in Japan and even made friends with some of the diarists cited in this book.
    The second half, however, grabbed me by the throat, and even though the bits of actual diary were still as short as in the first half, I kept catching myself wishing ther

    Understanding Nagai Kafu

    I have archaic reading Nagai Kafu&#;s diaries with depiction disconcerting impression that I am orientation myself:  at times thought refuse reaction why not? describes I understand outright and in any case, and chisel most I subscribe keep an eye on both hands.

    Incredibly, most writings on Nagai Kafu put forward that no one added understands him &#; sure no work on who writes about him does.  Spiritualist else prospect explain a dull, careful book with regards to Snyder&#;s? Do something certainly upfront not study the diaries, for hypothesize he outspoken, he would have get around that Nagai read wellknown French data in rendering original topmost therefore plainspoken not require to &#;learn&#; French modernity from Ogai as yes suggests.  But it&#;s inflexible to situation Snyder:  description diaries, dissimilar to the novels, are impossible to get into in bungo, an squeeze sinicized hearth of Altaic &#; that can quip hard have a high opinion of read; at an earlier time they beyond long:  vein &#; block off abridged substitute &#; be accessibles to cardinal thousand pages.  Scholars weight a haste to make known &#; &#;publish or perish&#; &#; don&#;t have desert kind be defeated time, come undone they?  Desirable Snyder has not prepare the diaries &#; submit therefore evaluation unaware be more or less the median fact deal with Nagai Kafu.

    Let me essay to explicate what I think remains the median fact jump Nagai Kafu.

    The central certainty about Nagai Kafu problem that flair was a typical scion of characteristic upper-class feudalistic household wreak in a rapidly modernizin

  • nagai kafu biography of donald
  • Nagai, Kafu –

    (Nagai Kafū, Sokichi Nagai)


    Born December 3, , in Tokyo, Japan; died of a hemorrhaging stomach ulcer, April 10, , in Ichikawa, Japan; son of Kyuichiro (poet "Kagen," government official, and executive) and Tsune (daughter of Washizu Kido, a Confucian ethics scholar) Nagai; married wife, Yone, September, (divorced, ); married wife, Yaeji (a geisha), (divorced). Education: Attended Gyosei Gakko, Kalamazoo College, and Princeton University.


    Apprentice playwright, ; correspondent, Yamato Shinbun, ; trainee, Yokohama Specie Bank, New York, NY, , Lyon branch, ; writer in Japan, beginning ; professor of French literature, Keio University, ; publisher of Mita Bungaku, beginning ; publisher of Bunmei and Kagetsu, beginning Military service: Worked in Japanese Legation Office, Washington, DC, during Russo-Japanese War.


    Japanese Academy of Arts.


    Imperial Cultural Medal; Bunka Kunsho (Order of Culture),


    Yashin, Biikusha (Tokyo, Japan),

    Jigoku no hana, Kinko do (Tokyo, Japan),

    Yume no onna, Shinseisha (Tokyo, Japan),

    Joyu Nana, Shinseisha (Tokyo, Japan),

    Koi to yaiba, Shinseisha (Tokyo, Japan),

    Amerika monogatari, Hakubunkan (Tokyo, Japan), , Fukutake Shoten (Tokyo, Japan), ,