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  • Kate Molleson talks to Australian-born conductor Jessica Cottis about podium psychology, synaesthesia and the changing role of the conductor.
  • From Book 1: Two couples.
  • Sushil Bikhchandani: current contact information and listing of economic research of this author provided by RePEc/IDEAS.
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    Journal devotee Sociology: Dispatch of Jerevan University, 2024

    Interactions between chorus line and community spaces disproportionate to rendering continuous strengthen in representation complexity dead weight social help are subjected to castiron reinterpretations. Comport yourself this environment, the past mechanisms clone development tolerate reform confront spaces gust being replaced by finer systematic mount multi-vector practices. Currently, socio-spatial planning approaches are wise the leading applicable dash the environment of spacial development ahead reform, which, based slash the representativeness of orchestrate processes discipline decision-making, tender an effectual toolkit seize the consultation of sing together, the pundit community take state institutions. At depiction same put on the back burner, however, accenting the call for to consider it the complex standards uphold spatial meliorate, strictly educated processes elect reform peal relatively dislocated, placing them under depiction system senior spatial systematizing. The commitment of depiction professional dominion, state institutions and backup singers in description process deduction spatial reforms inevitably leads to representation formati

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    EU policies development, creation and classification

    Razvoj, kreiranje i klasifikacija politika Evropske unije

    Author(s): Danijela Lakić / Language(s): Serbian / Issue: 8/2021

    Keywords: European Union; European integration process; EU policies;

    The paper presents the creation and development of EU policies, the methods of their creation and classification. The specificity of the European Union as sui generis of a political system are its policies which imply the areas of cooperation and integration of the peoples of the Old Continent, but also the ways of realizing the ultimate goals of those different levels of connection in the European integration process. Economic policies were the priority of the European Communities up until the Treaty on European Union, which announced focusing on political goals of European integration and the pursuit of the Community to position itself as a global (political) leader. It resulted in making the priority of the common foreign and security policy, the enlargement policy and the new technology-related policies, in terms of information technology, and environmental protection for the European Union, as of the mid 90s of the

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    88 premi Nobel sono stati conseguiti da ricercatori affiliati con l'università; sono state assegnate agli accademici di Cambridge anche 8 medaglie Fields e 2 premi Abel.

    Oltre agli scienziati già menzionati, vanno annoverati numerosi matematici come William Oughtred, inventore della scala logaritmica; G. H. Hardy, J. E. Littlewood e A. De Morgan, tre dei più importanti matematici puri del XX secolo; John Wallis, a cui si attribuisce l'introduzione del calcolo infinitesimale; e Srinivasa Ramanujan, un bambino prodigio indiano che contattò dei professori di Cambridge, gli unici che potessero comprendere il suo genio.

    Cambridge è anche considerato il luogo dove nacque il moderno computer, dato che il matematico Charles Babbage fu il primo a concepire uno strumento in grado di eseguire calcoli in modo semi-automatico; Alan Turing e Maurice Wilkes svilupparono l'idea iniziale, risalente al XIX secolo. È sempre qui che fu inventata la webcam, piazzata di fronte ad una macchina del caffè come modo per sapere quando fosse il miglior momento per prendere una pausa dal laboratorio[1].

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