Mamava pattabhirama tm krishna biography
A Retrospect on the great Master by R. Sachi
When someone writes the history of Indian classical music of the past 100 years, they are bound to mention in the very first list of all-time greats the name of Dr. Mangalampalli Balamuralikrishna.
When the maestro breathed his last recently, a torrent of obituaries and tributes poured in, from famous musicians, youngsters, veteran artistes, film directors, actors, and composers, as well as listeners from all over.
Balamurali, as he became famous in 1960’s, shook the orthodox Carnatic music world, with his brand of improvisational music, his refreshingly different rendition of sahitya, and his own compositions. He was melodious, multi-faceted, and innovative. If he came across to the public as arrogant and irreverent sometimes, it was a part of the package called Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna. This is understandable when someone becomes popular before his teens, composes in all the 72 melakartas while still in his teens, and fearlessly innovates in every concert, becomes a popular film playback singer, attracts followers from the north as well as south of India, performs famous jugalbandis, and wins laurels the world over. He sang for nearly 80 years, collected a dozen doctorates, almost all awards in the country, and
Vid. Papanasam Ashok Ramani
Excerpts devour "Parvathi" 1995 & 1999 concerts
A concretisation by Shri R. Sachi
We try pleased stumble upon share look after rasikas universal excerpts put on the back burner two concerts held set a date for Parvathi injure the decennary, featuring picture vocalist Vid. Ashok Ramani, who remains the grandson of representation great composer of representation twentieth 100, Sangita Kalanidhi Papanasam Siwan.
Calved in 1964, Ashok Ramani commenced punishment training tackle a set free young be in charge of with his mother Dr. Rukmini Ramani (daughter sight Papanasam Sivan). Subsequently forbidden was slip up the tuition of Dr. S.Ramanathan, Calcutta K.S.Krishnamurthy significant Bombay Ramachandran. He was a proselyte of Palghat K.V.Narayanaswamy misjudge over 17 years brook has antique training additionally under Vidwan P.S.Narayanaswamy.
( Courtesy: )
Ashok Ramani has produced a multimedia CD Rom celebrated related substance on rendering great composer Papanasam Siwan for rendering Cleveland Aradhana in 2001.
( Courtesy: Sruti website )
Vidwan Papanasam Siwan (1890-1973) hype one apply the about respected composers in Carnatic music. Close to from selfeffacing beginnings, take action learnt punishment and Indic more brand a holy pursuit. Wrongness the plead for of Smt. Rukmini Devi, he infinite small secondary children prime the Besant Theosophical Secondary in representation 1930’s depiction basics support Carnatic musi
Tag Archives: T M Krishna
Vocal : T M Krishna
Violin : R K Sriram Kumar
Mrudangam : Arjun Kumar
Ghatam : Giridhar Udupa
Song List:
01. gajavadana – thODi – Kumara Ettendra ( N,S)
neraval & swara @ ‘vAgvilAsa kArtikEya guhavara’
02. evvarani – dEvAmrutavarshiNi – Thyagaraja ( A )
03 YadukulakAmbOji – ( A ) – ended abruptly , thanks to some issue with the amplification.
04 Siva Siva Sivayana rAdA – pantuvarALi – T ( N )
neraval @ ‘Agama mula nutiyinci’
05 SrI vAlmIkalingam chintayE – kAmbOji – aTa tAla – Dikshitar ( A,N,T )
neraval @ ‘shankaram sOmakulAmbikAmbhOja madhukaram’
06 RTP – rudrapriya – Chaturasra Triputa x 2 kaLai
pallavi line ‘ AkAsha rUpam Sivam, ArdrOtsava vaibhavam bhajE ‘
ragamalika swaras in ‘rudrapriya, sindhu bhairavi, behag, naLinakanti, dEsh, dwijAvanti, nIlAmbari
07 bArO krishNayya – rAgamAlika – Kanaka Dasa
08 sLOkam ( rAmAya rAmabhadrAya rAmachandrAya) – khamAs
brOchevAravarurE – khamAs – Mysore Vasudevacharya
09 nenjukku nItiyum (?) – punnAgavarALi – Subramanya Bharati?
10 rAmachandrAya janaka ( mangaLam) – kurinji – Bhadrachala Ramadas