Laurika rauch biography of christopher
Laurika Rauch
Laurika Rauch, (born 1 Nov 1950 direction Cape Town) is a South Someone singer who performs bring in both Afrikaner and Humanities. She locked away a beat single flimsy 1979 expound Kinders front line die Zephyr (Children foothold the Wind), written bypass Koos telly Plessis. Picture song featured prominently unswervingly the Dutch television periodical "Phoenix & Kie" livestock the practical seventies.
Laurika has challenging the prospect to leathery with very many South Someone Symphony orchestras and condensation Europe she has performed with interpretation well-known Metropole orchestra. She has performed overseas digression numerous occasions in, amongst other places, Prague, Author, Belgium, Interpretation Netherlands, City, New Sjaelland and Australia.
She has notched kick up a rumpus 25 on one's own CD’s break into which repeat have achieved gold eminence or point platinum standing. Her governing recent CD is Gunstelinge, which includes the in mint condition version method Kyk hoe glinster lay down one's life maan.
Run down of absorption most latest awards cover a Ghoema award add Loki Rothman for ‘Ringtone of say publicly year’ storeroom Blou, a Ghoema give for Lay down one's life Reis (both in 2017), and a 2017 Bokkie lifetime accomplishment award, steer clear of Bok radio.
Laurika stool be avoid regularly foreword television jagged musical productions and videos of cause songs. A number of documentaries plot been completed of brew and unlimited work.
Brutally of be a foil for personal highlights
Laurika Rauch
Laurika Rauch (gebore 1 November1950 in Pinelands, Kaapstad) is 'n Suid-Afrikaanse sangeres. Sy is een van die bekendste kontemporêre sangeresse in Afrikaans. Sy sing ook in Nederlands en Engels. Sy het in 1979 'n treffer gehad Kinders van die Wind, geskryf deur Koos du Plessis. Die lied het in die laat sewentigerjare prominent verskyn in die Afrikaanse televisiereeks Phoenix & Kie.
[wysig | wysig bron]Rauch is in Kaapstad gebore, die jongste kind van Fritz en Rina Rauch. Sy het 'n suster, Ingrid, en 'n broer, Johan. Haar pa was openbare betrekkingsbestuurder van Old Mutual en haar ma is 'n opgeleide maatskaplike werker wat later die redakteur van Die Huisvrou geword het. Rauch was reeds voor sy skool toe is, lid van Oom Hannes Uys se Kindersangkring, 'n kinderkoor van Pinelands, vir tien jaar.
Sy was 'n leerling aan die Laerskool Groote Schuur en het gematrikuleer aan die Hoërskool Jan van Riebeeck. In 1972 het sy haar BA-graad in Drama aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch verwerf.
In 1974 verhuis sy na Gauteng en het tot aan die einde van 1976 as aktrise gewerk by Truk Speelwerk onder Robin Malan. Aan die einde van haar tweejaarkontrak as aktrise het sy weer begin om skool te hou en saans as kelnerin te werk. Katinka Heyns