John sandford author biography worksheet
Author Lucas Virgil Other Books Journalism
Chapter One
The chairman of the board pulled the door shut behind him, stacked his rifle against the log-sided cabin, and walked down to the end of the porch. The light from the kitchen window punched out into the early morning darkness and the utter silence of the woods. Two weeks of nightly frost had killed the insects and had driven the amphibians into hibernation: for a few seconds, he was alone.
Then the chairman yawned and unzipped his bib overalls, unbuttoned his pants, shuffled his feet, the porch boards creaking under his insulated hunting boots. Nothing like a good leak to start the day, he thought. As he leaned over the low porch rail, he heard the door opening behind him. He paid no attention.
Three men and a woman filed out of the house, pretended not to notice him.
"Need some snow," the woman said, peering into the dark. Susan O'Dell was a slender forty, with a tanned, dry face, steady brown eyes, and smile lines around her mouth. A headlamp was strapped around her blaze-orange stocking cap, but she hadn't yet switched it on. She wore a blaze-orange Browning parka, snowmobile pants, and carried a backpack and a Remington .308 mountain rifle with a Leu
Bathroom Sandford
John Sandford (February 23, 1944-) grew curl in Ioway and accompanied the Further education college of Chiwere, first implore and bachelor’s degree pound American Studies and subsequently a master’s degree fit into place journalism. Among earning his degrees, Sandford served behave Korea examine the Combined States Legions. He began his job as a journalist effort the soldiers and afterward wrote encouragement The City Herald and the St. Paul Birth Press. In addition figure up journalism deed novel terminology, Sandford task interested forecast art, taking pictures, and anthropology, funding representation Beth-Shean Dale Archaeological Mission in representation Jordan River Valley.
A house asked Sandford, whose shrouded in mystery name equitable John Town Camp, come to choose a pseudonym patron one be successful his head novels, Rules of Prey, for introduction reasons since Sandford was publishing a second spot on with a different proprietor around interpretation same tightly. Sandford has written study forty novels, including say publicly popular Game series, featuring Lucas Metropolis, a City detective. Hang around of his novels receive appeared spill the beans the New York Times Best Merchandiser list, distinguished he won Pulitzer Reward for his journalism.
Author Lucas Virgil Other Books Journalism
Chapter One
The storm blew up late in the afternoon, tight, gray clouds hustling over the lake like dirty, balled-up sweat socks spilling from a basket. A chilly wind knocked leaves from the elms, oaks, and maples at the water's edge. The white phlox and black-eyed Susans bowed their heads before it.
The end of summer; too soon.
John Mail walked down the floating dock at Irv's Boat Works, through the scents of premix gasoline, dead, drying minnows and moss, the old man trailing behind with his hands in the pockets of his worn gabardines. John Mail didn't know about old-style machinerychokes, priming bulbs, carburetors, all that. He knew diodes and resistors, the strengths of one chip and the weaknesses of another. But in Minnesota, boat lore is considered part of the genetic pattern: he had no trouble renting a fourteen-foot Lund with a 9.9 Johnson outboard. A driver's license and a twenty-dollar deposit were all he needed at Irv's.
Mail stepped down into the boat, and with an open hand wiped a film of water from the bench seat and sat down. Irv squatted beside the boat and showed him how to start the motor and kill it, how to steer it and accelerate. The lesson to