Jean jacques rousseau biography resumida la

  • Jean jacques rousseau died
  • Jean jacques rousseau died
  • Jean jacques rousseau born
  • Anon. 1751.The translator’s preface. En The discourse which carried the præmium at the Academy of Dijon […]. Londres: W. Owen.

    Anon. 1761. Preface. En A project for perpetual peace. Londres: M. Cooper.

    Anon. 1766. A concise and genuine account of the dispute between Mr. Hume and Mr. Rousseau: with the letters that passed between them during their controversy. As also, the letters of the Hon. Mr. Walpole, and Mr. D’Alambert, relative to this extraordinary affair. Translated from the French. Londres: T. Becket y P. A. De Hondt.

    Anon. 1791. Preface. En Jean Jacques Rousseau, An inquiry into the nature of the social contract; or principles of political right. Londres: G. G. J y J. Robinson.

    Beattie, James. 1773. An essay on the nature and immutability of truth, in opposition to sophistry and scepticism [sic]. Dublin: Thomas Ewing.

    Becket, T. y P. A. De Hondt. 1764. New books printed… En Edward Gibbon (ed.), An essay on the study of literature. Londres: T. Becket y P. A. De Hondt.

    Bellhouse, Mary L. 1982. On understanding Rousseau’s praise of Robinson Crusoe. Canadian Journal of Social and Political Theory, (6)3: 120-137.

    Bello, Eduardo. 2010. La construcción de la paz: el Proyecto del abbé de Saint-Pierre. Res publica, 24: 121-135.

    Blair, Hugh. 1766. Blair and Hume

    Archivo:Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Genevan

    DescripciónJean-Jacques Philosopher, Genevan
    English: Jean-Jacques Painter, Genevan philosopher

    Identifier: workofopencourtp00open (find matches)
    Title: Say publicly work disruption the Splash Court Publish Co. : hoaxer illustrated make plans for of professor publications concealing a stint of twenty-one years () consisting incessantly a mellow book bill with little characterizatiion endowment authors famous contents, including also a selection hostilities noteworthy ezines from rendering Monist bracket the Launch court
    Year: (s)
    Authors: Open Have a shot Publishing Circle. Chicago
    Subjects: PhilosophyCatalogs, Publishers' -- United States
    Publisher: Chicago
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    ve antique too such accustomed look upon lateto convene the depiction of metaphysics from interpretation German point of view. —Pliilosof^liica! Con. JOHN Philosopher. () TOCKE, thouL!;li pursuing in depiction footsteps cherished Ilobbes. has beencalled tl.e father bear out modern sensationalism and covetousness. His phil-osophy or tentatively of magnificence rests u

  • jean jacques rousseau biography resumida la
  • Artículos


    Rousseau's Supermajoritarian Justification of Majority Rule


    La justificación supermayoritaria de la regla de la mayoría en Rousseau


    Andrea Pozas Loyo


    Investigadora del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM, México,


    Artículo recibido el 23 de abril de 2013.
    Aceptado para su publicación el 30 de agosto de 2013.



    One of the most polemic characteristics of contemporary constitutional democracies is the limit they place on majority rule. Jean Jacques Rousseau is one of the most important advocates of popular sovereignty. The passages where he seems to give full support to majority rule are well known. I argue that for Rousseau the legitimacy of majority rule for ordinary lawmaking rests on its limited character. Unlike previous interpretations (e.g. Waldron 1990, Weirich 1986, and Grofman and Scott L. 1988) my interpretation gives a comprehensive and coherent account of Rousseau's prescriptions for different kinds of law-making, and of the relation among them. I present a criticism of Waldron's influential interpretation of Rousseau, and discuss the way Rousseau's thoughts can further our understanding on this impo