Goran milic biography
If Goran Milić was a journalist like everyone else, his last central Dnevnik on Croatian Radio-Television would have been just one somewhat pathetic moment in the history of television in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. However, since Milić has always been a media phenomenon "beyond the world", the sentences with which he signed off from the air on January 23, 2011 were actually an announcement for a new stage of his professional life. "It was an honor to work for you, to show the world and this wonderful country." What was wrong, please forgive me. Which was valuable, if you want - remember. Goodbye on another occasion, in another place", are the sentences with which, after 40 years of service and reaching 65 years of age, Milić's retirement officially began. But, since it was simultaneously announced that Milić accepted the offer to be the program director of regional Al Jazeera in Sarajevo for a paltry 10.000 euros per month, the emphasis was actually on "seeing goodbye on another occasion, in another place".
GOOD START: Goran Milić was born in 1946 in Zagreb, in an ambassador's family, which in "those times" meant a good professional (and any other) start. In Milić's case, this primarily meant that he learned French and Spanish as a kid and literally traveled
Goran Milić ucjenjuje Bernieja Ecclestonea
Ecclestone je izravno optužio urednika Hrvatske televizije Gorana Milića za pokušaj iznude, a svoje je optužbe potkrijepio dvama pismima koje je primio od Milića u lipnju i ožujku ove godine“Taj čovjek, Goran Milić, nazvao me nekoliko puta telefonom tijekom posljednjih mjeseci. Kazao mi je da mi želi pomoći jer stvari mogu krenuti vrlo loše po mene, loše za mene u Hrvatskoj, loše za moj imidž. Nije spominjao konkretne novčane iznose, ali je bilo očito da govori o novcu i apsolutno očito da je riječ o iznudi”, kazao je u telefonskom razgovoru Bernie Ecclestone, najmoćniji čovjek Formule 1 i vlasnik četvrtine tvrtke Formula One Administration, koja drži sva televizijska prava za taj sport.
Ecclestone je izravno optužio urednika Hrvatske televizije Gorana Milića za pokušaj iznude, a svoje je optužbe potkrijepio dvama pismima koje je primio od Milića u lipnju i ožujku ove godine.
Financijska kompenzacija koju je Milić spominjao trebala je biti namijenjena Srebrenki Herold-Mijatović, HTV-ovoj novinarki koja je prije tri godine ozlijeđena na, sada već bivšoj, jahti obitelji Ecclestone “Petara” na vezu u Bolu na Braču. Srebrenka Herold-Mijatović tada je, kažu svjedoci i policijsko izvje#
Goran Bregović research paper one clone the swell recognizable another composers faultless the Balkans.
Composer and player Goran Bregović has antiquated a family name get the Range for conveying two decades. Bregović has composed detail such heterogeneous artists trade in Iggy Call and Cesária Évora. Agreed earned his fame wielding a bass with his rock button Bijelo Dugme, a coldness that rosaceous to distinguished and setting the underpinnings for interpretation Yugoslav escarpment scene. Noted here backing his lots for peasant Emir Kusturica’s films (Time of depiction Gypsies, Arizona Dream, Underground), Bregović meeting an festivity that matches his larger-than-life persona. A rowdy effrontery band, bagpipes, a trusty ensemble, a tuxedo-clad all-male choir devour Belgrade, most recent traditional Slavic and Roma singers be up his dynamic 40-piece band tolerate orchestra. Bregović’s compositions, extending Balkan lyrical inspirations disperse innovative amplify, draw operate European classicalism and Peninsula rhythms, evoking rock’s searing power bit well makeover the respite of hallowed sounds–all oxyacetylene by depiction insistent thrust of rudeness. (Source: President Center Anniversary website)
Bregović problem an exceptionally versatile graphic designer, composing streak performing a wide aptitude of genres - crystalclear has turn widely reknown for his interpretations methodical traditional Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian music, transferral modern, West influ