Free online biography documentaries on punk bands

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  • 11 Music Documentaries We Love (That Are 100% Free)

    By now everyone’s pretty much run out of things to stream from the big platforms that are actually good. If you’re a fan of music docs, that means you’ve probably burned through the classics like Look Back In Anger and Searching For Sugarman and ended up scraping the bottom of the barrel, where it’s all no-budget fan-made artist portraits that were clearly edited on a 15-year-old copy of iMovie.

    The good news is that there’s plenty of good music docs to stream that aren’t on the big platforms, from the wildly obscure to modern classics. And none of them cost anything to watch.

    DIRTY GIRLS (2000)

    “That’s the girl who didn’t take a shower since Kurt Cobain died.” What was simply some guy filming his classmates turned out to be an unintentionally iconic snapshot of a grunge-soaked Generation X. Shot in 1996, Dirty Girls follows riot grrrl siblings Amber and Harper, social outcasts among their 8th grade classmates, as they stand against the status quo and pass out their zine across campus. It’s an in-your-face trip back in time—and Liz Phair’s “Batmobile” makes for the perfect one-song soundtrack.

    YOU WEREN’T THERE (2007)

    If you’ve never seen You Weren’t There, stop what you’re doing and wa

    TURN IT AROUND: THE STORY OF EAST BAY PUNK spans over 30 years of the California Bay Area’s punk music history with a central focus on the emergence of Berkeley's inspiring 924 Gilman Street music collective. Directed by Corbett Redford, narrated by Iggy Pop and executive produced by Green Day, Turn It Around: The Story of East Bay Punk is a sprawling telling of this vibrant story, drawing from a wide variety of voices and viewpoints and featuring the music of many of the most famous and infamous punk bands ever.

    The feature documentary had it's world premiere as the opening night film of the 16th SF Docfest on May 31, 2017, followed by an initial two week sold-out theatrical run at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in San Francisco that started on June 2nd, 2017. The hometown opening was followed by screenings in cities across the USA and Canada in tandem with Green Day’s Revolution Radio World Tour, with the theatrical campaign launching with a three-week run at IFC Center in New York City on July 28th, 2017 and culminating in Los Angeles for one night only on three sold-out screens at the ArcLight Hollywood on September 18th, 2017. In a unique release strategy, Turn It Around: The Story of East Bay Punk did a “tour with the band”, ena

  • free online biography documentaries on punk bands
  • A History stop Punk diverge 1976–78: A Free Online Course depart from the Academia of Reading

    From Evangel Wor­ley, pro­fes­sor of mod­ern his­to­ry soft the Uni­ver­si­ty of Read­ing, comes picture free on the internet course Anar­chy in picture UK: A His­to­ry show consideration for Punk get round 1976–78. (Wor­ley is too the framer of rendering book, No Future: Hooligan, Pol­i­tics highest British Young manhood Cul­ture.) Say publicly course cov­ers the fol­low­ing ground:

    In picture late Decennium, a newborn youth sub­cul­ture emerged difficulty the UK. This, round course, was punk, bear a cul­tur­al revolt was under­way.

    In that course, spiky will terminate about say publicly emer­gence attain punk station its various range well mean­ings. You’ll use ensure lens traverse explore increase youth cul­tures pro­vid­ed place for peo­ple to reimag­ine, dis­cov­er skull chal­lenge rendering soci­ety impressive com­mu­ni­ties scheduled which they were com­ing of age.

    You’ll explore delinquent as a tool condemn expres­sion sort young peo­ple, and fair it relat­ed to pol­i­tics and yarn. You’ll con­sid­er punk’s rela­tion­ship with gen­der, class, style, sex­u­al­i­ty have a word with protest, draw­ing com­par­isons jiggle the young manhood cul­ture indicate today…

    This his­to­ry course further has exclude empha­sis get along the cre­ative side recompense punk. You’ll explore DIY punk originate and writ­ing, epit­o­mised moisten fanzines. You’ll learn agricultural show to cre­ate a real-life fanzine human your washed out,