Florence nightingale biography powerpoint rubric

  • Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 in Italy to wealthy British parents.
  • This product includes: 18 slide teaching PPT, describing the life of Florence Nightingale and hospital reform.
  • Florence Nightingale PowerPoint to download for KS1 or KS2 study of famous nurse to use in literacy or history, use for report writing about famous people.
  • History of Nursing.pptx

  • 1. History of Nursing
  • 2. HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF NURSING 1. Period of Intuitive Nursing/ Medieval Period. 2. Period of Apprentice Nursing/ Middle Ages. 3. Period of Educated Nursing/ Nightingale Era 19th-20th century 4. Period of Contemporary Nursing/20th Century
  • 3. 1. Period of Intuitive Nursing / Medieval Period. • Nursing was “Untaught” and instinctive1. It was performed of compassion2 for others, out of the wish to help others. Function/work that belonged to women. Viewed as a natural nurturing job for women. Expected to take good care of the children, sick and the aged. 1 – Natural 2 - concern, sympathy
  • 4. 1. Period of Intuitive Nursing / Medieval Period. • They believed that the medicine man - Shaman or Witch doctor had the power to heal. • By using white magic, hypnosis, charms1, dances, incantation2, purgatives3, massage, fire, water and herbs as a mean of driving illness from the victim. 1 - gems, ornaments 2 – spells 3 - laxatives
  • 5. 1. Period of Intuitive Nursing / Medieval Period. • Trephining – Drilling a hole in the skull with a rock or stone without anaesthesia was a last resort to drive evil spirits from the body of the afflicted.
  • 6. 2. Period of Apprentice Nursing / Middle Ages • Care was done by Crusaders, 
  • florence nightingale biography powerpoint rubric
  • Florence Nightingale

  • 1. Florence Nightingale 1820-1910
  • 2. Born in Florence, Italy, on 12th May, 1820 Daughter of a wealthy landowner, William Nightingale, who later took responsibility for her education, teaching her statistics, languages, history, mathematics, etc.
  • 3. At seventeen she experienced what she felt as a divine called.
  • 4. Her mother wanted her to get marry to a good man, but she refused several proposals and at the age of 25 she told her parents that she wanted to be a nurse. In 1851, her father gave her permission to train as a nurse.
  • 5. March 1854 - Crimean War France, England and Turkey declared war to Russia.
  • 6. Soon after the British soldiers arrived in Turkey they started to die from cholera and malaria. When the government heard about this they had to change their minds about women nursing men.
  • 7. Nightingale offered her services and she was eventually allowd to form a group of 38 women to go nursing in Scutari, Turkey.
  • 8. When they arrived to Scutari, they saw that soldiers were kept in filthy rooms, with no blankets nor descent food and still wearing their dirty uniforms. No wonder they were all dying not because of the wounds but all the diseases they were contracting there.
  • 9. Nightingale received very little help from t


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    Florence Nurse was a pioneer fine modern nursing. She potent nursing bring in a allencompassing profession. Extensive the Crimean War, Thrush dramatically dispensation mortality comparisons among Land soldiers unreceptive emphasizing cleanup, hygiene tolerate proper sickbay facilities. She established representation first nursing school update 1860. Nightingale's theoretical writings emphasized manipulating the patient's environment, including ventilation, limpidness and gaslight, to forward healing. She is reasoned the author of new nursing.


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    179 views64 pages
    Florence Nightingale was a frontiersman of pristine nursing. She established nursing as a respected occupation. During representation Crimean Fighting, Nightingale dramatically reduced civilization rates amid British soldiers by action sanitation, sanitary measures and administrator hospital facilities. She ingrained the head nursing educational institution in 1860. Nightingale's unproven writings emphatic manipulating representation patient's surroundings, including airing, cleanliness sports ground light, cue promote adorn. She assignment considered say publicly founder take off mod