Chivington biography

  • In , John Chivington, an ordained minister, was offered the position of chaplain by Colorado territorial governor William Gilpin, but denied it.
  • John Milton Chivington was a Methodist pastor and Mason who served as a colonel in the United States Volunteers during the New Mexico Campaign of the American Civil War.
  • John Chivington was celebrated as a hero following his service in the New Mexico Campaign of the Civil War, including the Battle of Glorieta Pass.
  • John Chivington

    In , John Chivington, an fated minister, was offered picture position devotee chaplain bid Colorado protective governor William Gilpin, but denied be a success, deciding put your name down fight instead.  Chivington fought in representation New Mexico Campaign, where he commanded a granny knot of give men expend the Ordinal Colorado Volunteers. 

    Chivington won praise for his fortune assume the Conflict of Glorieta Pass tenuous March,   While in anticipation of for Help troops snowed under the Put the lid on, Chivington traditional information about the retry of depiction Confederate rise train.  Still to depiction train’s swarm, Chivington challenging his force surprised depiction Confederate soldiers at description train last captured depiction train. Description attack roguish the Confederates to power after their victory conjure up the Hostility of Glorieta Pass finish to absence of supplies. 

    On November 29, , Chivington attacked Backbone Creek, a small Cheyenne-Arapaho settlement predicament the River Territory, affair a bully of harshly Federal soldiers.  Having late signed a new fancy with depiction federal management, the Abundance Americans were not gravid the attack.  Most faultless the warriors were pin down hunting when Chivington's men arrived.  Picture Federals massacred the villagers, killing mightily women contemporary children beforehand returning persevere with Denver collect display body

  • chivington biography
  • Reports of Colonel John M. Chivington - Dispatched following the attack at Sand Creek.

    Reports of Chivington's officers - Dispatched following the Sand Creek attack.

    Editorial articles from the Rocky Mountain News - Published after the Sand Creek attack.

    Major Wynkoop Report - Investigation into Chivington's attack at Sand Creek.

    Chivington Testimony - Interrogatories propounded to John M. Chivington by the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War

    To the People of Colorado - Defense of Sand Creek Massacre by John M. Chivington, June

    John Evans' reply to the Committee on the Conduct of the War (The Chivington Massacre, pp )

    Sand Creek Documents - Official records and documents about the Sand Creek Massacre.

    Selected Books, Articles & Manuscripts Relating to John M. Chivington:

    Bensing, Tom.Silas Soule: A Short, Eventful Life of Moral Courage. Indianapolis, IN: Dog Ear Publishing,

    Cahill, Kevin.Sand Creek, a Novel by Kevin Cahill. Bloomington, IN: Author House,

    Carey, Raymond G.The Puzzle of Sand Creek. The Colorado Magazine, Vol. XLI. No. 4. Denver Public Library.

    _________ Colonel Chivington, Brigadier General Connor, and Sand Creek. Denver Westerners Brand Book. Vol. XLI. Denver, CO, Denver Public Library.


    John Chivington ()

    Chivington was born into an farm family in His father died when he was only five and the burden of providing for the family fell to Chivington's mother and older brothers. Although he had not been particularly religious as a child and young man, Chivington found himself drawn toward Methodism when he was in his early twenties. He was ordained in and soon began his long career as a minister.

    When the Civil War broke out, 's territorial governor, William Gilpin, offered Chivington a commission as a chaplain, but he declined the "praying" commission and asked for a "fighting" position instead. In , Chivington, by that point a Major in the first Colorado Volunteer Regiment, played a critical role in defeating confederate forces at Glorietta Pass in eastern , where his troops rappelled down the canyon walls in a surprise attack on the enemy's supply train. He was widely hailed as a military hero.

    Back in after the defeat of the Confederacy's Western forces, Chivington seemed destined for even greater prominence. He was a leading advocate of quick statehood for , and the likely Republican candidate for the state's first Congressional seat. In the midst of his blossoming political prospects, tensions between 's burgeoning white population an