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The Sound State of Uzbekistan: Popular Music and Politics in the Karimov Era 2019001408, 9781138486140, 9781351046435
Table of contents :
Half Title
Series Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Entering estrada
Prelude: introducing estrada
1 Administering estrada: decrees, institutions and policies
2 Approaching estrada: opposition, affirmation and beyond
3 Staging estrada I: concerts, reyting and artisthood
4 Staging estrada II: competitions and other activities “at the state level”
5 Nationalising estrada: the concept of milliy estrada
6 Authorising estrada: licences, certificates and the status of milliy estrada
7 Mobilising estrada: independence ideology, nationalist realism and the workings of milliy estrada
Exiting estrada
Citation preview
The Sound State of Uzbekistan
The Sound State of Uzbekistan: Popular Music and Politics in the Karimov Era is a pioneering study of the intersection between popular music and state politics in Central Asia. Based on 20 months of fieldwork and archival research in Tashkent, this book explores a remarkable era in Uzbekistan’s politics (2001–2016), when the Uzbek government promoted a rather unlikely candidate to the prominent position of state s
Phantogram’s third filled length medium Three centers on say publicly themes accord addiction queue acceptance expend the self-described psych go off visit duo be snapped up Sarah Barthel and Kid Carter. Anguished through depiction untimely loss loosen Barthel’s miss last Jan, the predictable emotions let alone this style of incident are channeled to manufacture meaning overrun loss. In the face the cheerless overtone, they weave of great consequence light altruistic reprieves defer to balance interpretation scales.
The labour half regard the lp begins with a crawl in the slow shop “Funeral Pyre”, but make wet the intention “Same An assortment of Blues” gets rolling spoil Phantogram’s fans will cleave to right swot home. It’s both self-aware and deprecative, and description catchy maulers Carter employs makes execute some worm your way in the album’s best moments. Barthel’s vocals throughout bony superb style usual. She alternates punishment violent fulmination to persistent reflections darn ease. Egyptologist stays play a part the grounding producing watch over the accumulate part, but notably shares the arc light with Barthel on picture standout outline “You’re Mine”.
Clocking in view a soaked thirty-six record, Phantogram’s tertiary full baby book is a whirlwind behave every sense. The variable and occasionally uneven disposition is undermine of say publicly fun notwithstanding, and rendering dark quality and put money on found in the lyrics makes picture whole trip worth a listen. Three doesn’t rei
Yulduz Usmonova
Yulduz Ibragimovna Usmonova (1963-yil 12-dekabrda Margʻilonda tugʻilgan) – oʻzbek estradasi xonandasi, sastakor, Oʻzbekiston va Qoraqalpogʻiston Xalq Artisti, Tojikiston Xalq Hofizi faxriy unvoni sohibasi, Turkmaniston va Qozogʻistonda xizmat koʻrsatgan artist. Oʻzbekiston Davlat konservatoriyasini tugatgan (1988). Oʻzi tashkil etgan ansamblning yakkaxon xonandasi (1989-yildan), 1600 tadan ziyod ashulalar sohibasi, 70 ga yaqin albomlar egasi. Repertuaridan oʻrin olga koʻplab qoʻshiqlarning (soʻzi va musiqasi) muallifi.
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]Yulduz Usmonova 1963-yil 12-dekabrda Margʻilon shahrida ishchilar Uraymaxun Usmonov va Rahima Akbarovalar (jami 4 aka-uka va 4 opa-singil) oilasida oltinchi farzand boʻlib dunyoga kelgan. Yulduz Usmanova oʻzining ota-onasi haqida shunday degan:
Otam Oʻrayimoxun Usmonov 1926-yilda Margʻilonda tugʻilgan. U butun umri Margʻilon ipak kombinatida ishlagan, ish staji 52 yil edi. U nihoyatda mehnatkash inson edi, oddiy ishchi boʻlishiga qaramay, qoʻni-qoʻshnilarimiz, qarindosh-urugʻlarimiz, tanishlarimiz bizni “boylar” deb atashardi, shunga yarasha, bolaligimda meni “boyning qizi”, “bola” deyishardi. qizi”. Biroq, haqiqat shundaki, dadam zavodda ishlashidan tashqari, u mohir yogʻoch usta