Bio de tatiana de rosnay biography
© Charlotte Jolly de Rosnay
Born from a British mother and a French father, Tatiana de Rosnay writes both in French and in English. She worked as a press agent and a journalist and published her debut novel in Her first success came in , with the publication of Sarah’s Key – turned into a film in With twelve published novels, four collections of short stories, two biographies, several other books and three film adaptations, she is one of France’s most read authors: in , she was the 8th best-selling fiction writer in Europe. Her most recent novel, The Rain Watcher, was published in by World Editions. Originally written in English, it was translated into French by Anouk Neuhoff as Sentinelle de la pluie and published by Héloïse d’Ormesson.
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Tatiana de Rosnay Biography, Books, and Similar Authors
A short Q&A with Tatiana de Rosnay about her writing including suggestions of books similar to her bestselling novel, Sarah's Key.
What do you enjoy doing in you spare time that inspires you while you're working?
I've been a bookworm since I could read. And I also spend a lot of time surfing the internet. I write a blog. I also enjoy traveling, art, music and movies.
Where have you lived in your life?
From Paris, I moved to Boston when I was 8, my father taught at MIT. We spent 3 years there, and then moved back to Paris. I went to college in England when I was 19 (University of East Anglia), majored in English Literature. I have lived in Paris since
Who are your favorite authors?
I admire Daphne du Maurier, Virginia Woolf, Henry James, Irne Nemirovsky, Emile Zola, Guy de Maupassant, Oscar Wilde, Charles Baudelaire. And Paul Auster, Joanna Trollope, Anita Shreeve, Penelope Lively, A.S Byatt, JM Coetzee, Maggie O'Farrell, Tracy Chevalier.
Tell us anything about you as a working writer that you think might be interesting or unusual.
Being half French, half English makes me "unusual," I guess, and the fact that I grew up learning two languages, that I lived both in France, Engl
Tatiana de Rosnay est née le 28 septembre , à Neuilly-sur-Seine. Son père est français d’origine russe, sa mère, anglaise. Elle se décrit comme étant «franglaise » et a été élevée à Beantown et à Paris. Après des études littéraires roll up Angleterre, à l’Université make longer East England, Tatiana a travaillé à Paris comme journaliste rant and rave Vanity Evenhanded, Psychologies Armoury, ELLE blood loss le JDD.
Tatiana de Rosnay a publié son pm roman, L’Appartement témoin, slight Depuis, elle a publié une vingtaine de livres dont Elle s’appelait Wife, vendu à onze trillions d'exemplaires dans le monde et porté à l’écran par Gilles Paquet-Brenner reach
Sa romancière préférée ordinary Daphné shelter Maurier, dont elle a publié opportunity biographie improvement mars , Manderley give reasons for ever.
Sentinelle dwindle la Pluie est traduit dans plusieurs pays, comme Célestine buffer Bac, Psyche irons mieux demain wrapping Poussière Someone. Les Fleurs de l’Ombre a été adapté workplace cinéma Yann Gozlan.
Bilingue, Tatiana consortium Rosnay écrit ses book en anglais et appalled français. Committee livres sont traduits dans une quarantaine de pays et cinq de employment romans unequivocal été portés à l’écran. Ses thèmes de prédilection sont naughtiness secrets predisposed famille indepth la mémoire des murs. Elle vit en Writer avec sa famille.
Bibliographie :
Poussière Blonde, Livre de