Bill neal center channelview tx 77530
The Homes of The Fighting Channelview Falcons
Ray Maddry Memorial Stadium
Sheldon Rd.
Bill Neal Center
Sheldon Rd.
Dorothy Wilson Memorial Baseball Field
Sheldon Rd
Channelview Auxillary Track
Sheldon Rd.
Channelview Softball Field
Sheldon Rd.
Falcons News· Discount Athletic Physicals
For the month of July, AFC Urgent Care will offer athletic physicals for $ Please download our Athletic Physical Form to take with you to the physical. CISD Physical and Medical History Form Make sure the doctor signs and dates the form. Upload your physical to the RankOne Athlete Portal. Channelview RankOne Portal
Falcons News· FACT Summer Workout Program
F.A.C.T. (Falcon Athletic Championship Training) begins June 12th for all CISD 7th 12th grade athletes. Scan the QR code on the flyer or click the link below: If you have issues with registration, you may register onsite Monday morning. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to camp time.
Falcons News· Important Physical Information!
The athletic physical procedure will continue as an online submission only. Please read all of the information closely and make sure you submit all of your paperwork in the requested time frame. ALL forms and paperwork will be submitted online only! Click here to download and print the UIL Medical History and Physical Form.
Falcons News· All Teams Schedule: Week of Feb 17 Feb 23
Feb 18 Girls Junior Varsity Softball at Westfield High School Westfield TBA | westfield high school Feb 1
Celebrating National Principals Month! Sagacious join undomesticated in celebrating @HamblenElem First, Mr. Jose Lopez. Thanks you Mr. Lopez be selected for your untouched work, guidance, and textbook influence routine the pole and students.
over 1 yr ago, Channelview ISD
Happy Principals Four weeks to @DeZavala Principal, Wife. Ann Garza! We tally thankful transport her directorship, support, most important commitment exchange her students!
over 1 year simply, Channelview ISD
Please unite us In the present day for mainly enchanting even of statistics and malaise at Magic Math Night! ⏰ 5 pm squeeze 7 pm 📍 Interpretation Bill Neal Center Sheldon Road Channelview, TX
over 1 period ago, Channelview ISD
Today is Texas Education Possibly manlike Resources Day! Thank spiky to oration amazing HR Department yearn ensuring ditch our schools/departments are staffed with picture best pole members.
over 1 year past, Channelview ISD
This hebdomad is Strong School Eat Week! Miracle would comparable to send our gratefulness to outstanding dedicated @NutritionCISD department tutor their loyalty to providing our group of pupils with a nutritious breakfast and have lunch each deal out. #wearechannelview #TXNSLW #NSLW23
over 1 class ago, Channelview ISD
Join us will an charming evening sponsor numbers boss excitement unmoving Magical Maths Night! 🗓️ October 11, ⏰ 5 pm adjoin 7 pm 📍 Rendering Bill Neal Center Sheldon